OCPP1.6 and OCPP2.0.1
Custom application branding tailored to your branding requirements.
Simple to use station management using mobile and web applications. Critical controls at your fingertips.
Connect several stations to a grid deployment using power queueing and priority load balancing.
Complete monetization and payments using mobile QR codes or payment terminals.
Integrate your design brand and strategy to the mobile, web, and billing services on top of the 360 cloud EV platform.
Critical controls at your fingertips. Straightforward overview and management of electric charging station activities, operations, and controls utilizing the web and mobile applications.
Monetize the charging station infrastructure on top of a scalable branded mobile payment solution. Define your profile by selecting payment options and billing classifications as time or kWh.
Hardware agnostic EV charging payments. Simple as it gets. Scan, select the payment method, and confirm. No application or registration is required.
Wavenetic deep analytics platform provides insides on a user, location, or station charging characteristic. In addition, it enables advanced energy load balancing features such as power queuing and priority balancing.